input:chips, input:chips-autocomplete

Type can be input:chips, input:chips-autocomplete

<discovery-tile url="" type="input:chips">
  'type' 'input:list'
  'macro' <% %>

When used by the Events Mechanism, emits the selected value of the input.

Name Default
--warp-view-input-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-input-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-input-border-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-input-label-color #404040
--warp-view-input-bg-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-font-size 1rem
--warp-view-button-border-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-padding .375rem .75rem
--warp-view-button-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-bg-color #004eff
--warp-view-button-width auto
--warp-view-button-border-radius 0.25rem
--warp-view-button-secondary-label-color #ffffff
--warp-view-button-secondary-bg-color #a0a0a0
--warp-view-button-secondary-border-color #a0a0a0
--warp-view-autocomplete-hover-background-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-chip-background-color #c0c0c0
--warp-view-chip-close-icon-fill #404040cc
--warp-view-chip-hover-fill #404040
Name Type Description
data string[], number[] Content of the list
globalParams Option Global options (see above) concerning this tile
params Option[] List of options (see above) concerning each displayed dataset depending of the index of this array
events Events[] List of events to emit (see Events Mechanism)
  • Options.input.value: Initial value

Chips input

  'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting"  ]
  'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' } }
  'events' [
    { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' }
{ 'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting" ] 'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' } } 'events' [ { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' } ] }

Disabled state

  'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting"  ]
  'globalParams' {
    'input' { 
        'value' 'focused'
        'disabled' true 
  'events' [
    { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' }
{ 'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting" ] 'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' 'disabled' true } } 'events' [ { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' } ] }

Chips input with button

  'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting"  ]
  'globalParams' { 
    'input' { 
      'value' 'focused'
      'showButton' true
  'events' [
    { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' }
{ 'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting" ] 'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' 'showButton' true } } 'events' [ { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' } ] }

Auto-complete chips

You can use as option:

    "options" {
        "input" {
            "caseSensitive" true        //  Searched text is either case-sensitive or not
            "onlyFromAutocomplete" true //  The new chip must belong to the provided list or can be free
  'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting"  ]
  'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' } }
  'events' [
    { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' }
{ 'data' [ "admiring" "adoring" "agitated" "amazing" "angry" "awesome" "backstabbing" "berserk" "big" "boring" "clever" "cocky" "compassionate" "condescending" "cranky" "desperate" "determined" "distracted" "dreamy" "drunk" "ecstatic" "elated" "elegant" "evil" "fervent" "focused" "furious" "gigantic" "gloomy" "goofy" "grave" "happy" "high" "hopeful" "hungry" "insane" "jolly" "jovial" "kickass" "lonely" "loving" "mad" "modest" "naughty" "nauseous" "nostalgic" "pedantic" "pensive" "prickly" "reverent" "romantic" "sad" "serene" "sharp" "sick" "silly" "sleepy" "small" "stoic" "stupefied" "suspicious" "tender" "thirsty" "tiny" "trusting" ] 'globalParams' { 'input' { 'value' 'focused' } } 'events' [ { 'type' 'variable' 'tags' 'myVar' 'selector' 'myVar' } ] }

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