Common charts parameters

HTTP(s) and WebSockets

You can define your Warp 10 endpoint at the dashboard level and also at the Tile level with endpoint.

  'title' 'Dashboard with timer'
  'vars' {
    'start' NOW
  'tiles' [
      'endpoint' 'wss://' // Uses WebSockets
      'options' { 'autoRefresh' 1000 'timeMode' 'custom' } // refresh each second
      'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 6 'h' 1
      'type' 'hidden'
      'macro' <%
        NOW 'now' STORE
        { 'data' '' 'events' [ { 'tags' [ 'start' ] 'type' 'variable' 'value' { 'start' $now }  } ] }

      'title' 'Timer'
      'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=start' }
      'x' 3 'y' 0 'w' 6 'h' 1
      'type' 'display'
      'macro' <%
          $start 'Europe/Paris' ->TSELEMENTS [ 3 5 ] SUBLIST <% TOSTRING 'v' STORE <% $v SIZE 2 < %> <% '0' $v + %> <% $v %> IFTE %> F LMAP ':' JOIN

Those setting are available on most charts.

Zoom and image download toolbox

  'data' 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK
  'globalParams' {  
    'showControls' true 
{ 'data' 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK 'globalParams' { 'showControls' true } }

Show legend

  'data' 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK 'data' RENAME
  'globalParams' {  
    'showLegend' true 
{ 'data' 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK 'data' RENAME 'globalParams' { 'showLegend' true } }

Custom dataset names and colors

  'data' 0 3 <% 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK %> F FOR 4 ->LIST
  'params' [ 
    { 'key' 'My temp sensor' 'datasetColor' '#8A2BE2' } 
    { 'key' 'My humidity sensor' 'datasetColor' '#7FFF00' } 
    { 'key' 'My other sensor' } 
  'globalParams' {  
    'bgColor' 'darkblue' 
    'fontColor' 'cyan' 
    'showLegend' true 
{ 'data' 0 3 <% 20 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK %> F FOR 4 ->LIST 'params' [ { 'key' 'My temp sensor' 'datasetColor' '#8A2BE2' } { 'key' 'My humidity sensor' 'datasetColor' '#7FFF00' } NULL { 'key' 'My other sensor' } ] 'globalParams' { 'bgColor' 'darkblue' 'fontColor' 'cyan' 'showLegend' true } }

Display Errors

<discovery-dashboard url="">
  'options' { 'showErrors' true }
  'tiles' [
        'type' 'display'
        'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1
        'macro' <% 'blah' MSGFAIL %>
{ 'options' { 'showErrors' true } 'tiles' [ { 'type' 'display' 'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1 'macro' <% 'blah' MSGFAIL %> } ] }

Custom labels for axis

  'data' 10 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK
  'globalParams' {  
    'yLabelsMapping' {
      '0' 'zero' '1' 'one'
      '2' 'two'  '3' 'three'
      '4' 'four' '5' 'five'
{ 'data' 10 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK 'globalParams' { 'yLabelsMapping' { '0' 'zero' '1' 'one' '2' 'two' '3' 'three' '4' 'four' '5' 'five' } } }

Display values

  'data' 10 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK
  'globalParams' {  
    'showValues' true 
{ 'data' 10 @senx/rand/RANDOMWALK 'globalParams' { 'showValues' true } }


  'tiles' [
      'type' 'display'
      'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1
      'options' { 'fontColor' '#ffffff' 'autoRefresh' 3 }
      'macro' <%
        RAND 100 * ROUND 'v' STORE
        'data' $v
          'globalParams' {
            'bgColor' <% $v 50 < %> <% 'red' %> <% 'green' %> IFTE
{ 'tiles' [ { 'type' 'display' 'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 12 'h' 1 'options' { 'fontColor' '#ffffff' 'autoRefresh' 3 } 'macro' <% RAND 100 * ROUND 'v' STORE { 'data' $v 'globalParams' { 'bgColor' <% $v 50 < %> <% 'red' %> <% 'green' %> IFTE } } %> } ] }

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