
events: true

Dynamic dashboards

A random value affect the visibility of tiles.

{ 'title' 'My Polymorphic Dashboard' 'vars' { 'rand' 100 } 'cellHeight' 90 'tiles' [ { 'title' 'Random value' 'type' 'display' 'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 2 'h' 2 'unit' '%25' 'options' { 'autoRefresh' 3 } 'macro' <% RAND 100 * ROUND 'v' STORE { 'data' $v 'events' [ { 'tags' 'rand' 'type' 'variable' 'selector' 'rand' 'value' { 'rand' $v } } ] 'globalParams' { 'bgColor' <% $v 33 < %> <% '#77BE69' %> <% $v 66 < %> <% '#FF9830' %> <% '#F24865' %> 2 SWITCH 'timeMode' 'custom' 'fontColor' 'white' } } %> } { 'type' 'area' 'x' 2 'y' 0 'w' 10 'h' 4 'options' { 'scheme' 'CHARTANA' 'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=rand' } 'macro' <% { 'data' NEWGTS 'data' RENAME 0.0 'v' STORE 1 30 <% 1 s * NOW SWAP - NaN NaN NaN $v RAND 0.5 - + DUP 'v' STORE ADDVALUE %> FOR 'globalParams' { 'type' <% $rand 50 < %> <% 'area' %> <% 'hidden' %> IFTE } } %> } { 'type' 'map' 'x' 2 'y' 0 'w' 10 'h' 4 'options' { 'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=rand' } 'macro' <% NEWGTS 'g' STORE 0 100 <% 'ts' STORE $g NOW $ts 10000 - * RAND 20 * RAND 20 * NaN RAND 100.0 * ROUND ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR { 'data' [ $g ] 'params' [ { 'map' { 'heatmap' true } } ] 'globalParams' { 'map' { 'heatRadius' 25 'heatOpacity' 0.5 } 'type' <% $rand 50 >= %> <% 'map' %> <% 'hidden' %> IFTE } } %> } ] }
  'title' 'My Polymorphic Dashboard'
  'cellHeight' 90
  'vars' { 'rand' 100 }
  'tiles' [
      'title' 'Random value'
      'type' 'display' 'x' 0 'y' 0 'w' 2 'h' 2  'unit' '%25'
      'options' { 'autoRefresh' 3 }
      'macro' <%
        RAND 100 * ROUND 'v' STORE
          'data' $v
          'events' [ 
            { 'tags' 'rand' 'type' 'variable' 'selector' 'rand' 'value' { 'rand' $v } }
          'globalParams' {
            'bgColor' <% $v 33 < %> <% '#77BE69' %> <% $v 66 < %> <% '#FF9830' %> <% '#F24865' %> 2 SWITCH
            'timeMode' 'custom'
            'fontColor' 'white'
      'type' 'area' 'x' 2 'y' 0 'w' 10 'h' 4
      'options' { 
        'scheme' 'CHARTANA' 
        'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=rand'
      'macro' <%
          'data' NEWGTS 'data' RENAME 0.0 'v' STORE 1 30 <% 1 s * NOW SWAP - NaN NaN NaN $v RAND 0.5 - + DUP 'v' STORE ADDVALUE %> FOR
          'globalParams' {
            'type' <% $rand 50 < %> <% 'area' %> <% 'hidden' %> IFTE
      'type' 'map' 'x' 2 'y' 0 'w' 10 'h' 4
      'options' {
        'eventHandler' 'type=variable,tag=rand'
      'macro' <%
        NEWGTS 'g' STORE
        0 100 <% 'ts' STORE $g NOW $ts 10000 - * RAND 20 *  RAND  20 *  NaN RAND 100.0 * ROUND ADDVALUE DROP %> FOR
          'data' [ $g ]
          'params' [ { 'map' { 'heatmap' true } } ]
          'globalParams' { 
            'map' { 'heatRadius' 25 'heatOpacity' 0.5 }
            'type' <% $rand 50 >= %> <% 'map' %> <% 'hidden' %> IFTE

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